In one evening, I was thinking that I would like to have my piece of internet, a Heaven, a recreation place. But how would it look like? I ended up talking about the Christianity, about how people are mocking the religious values, about how people use the religion....
But all this discussion about religion, which extended to a few hours, didn't solve the dilemma. I wonder what would be more pleasant: to sit in Heaven forever and do nothing, where everything is fluffy and pink? or to go to Hell and to be preoccupied with some horrible torments?
And maybe the people who go to Heaven don't get bored, maybe they have a continuous recreation plan and they do whatever they like. If you would make a list with everything you would like to do... it would be enough to cover an eternity?
Finally, a picture came to my mind: a white- intense blue fluffy place filled with nice angels. But I would like to see other visions, original ideas. This reminds me about a man bored by people because he always finds common ideas and nothing original. From time to time he talks to the people around because he feels lonely and he wants to see if there is anything changed. And he always comes back to the same formidable sickness. I would like to meet this man one day, to study him.....
am o ghicitoare pt tine
1. un pufulet de 14 grame cu 11 labute vine la ora 20:00, avand cu el o sacose de 5 rosi cu 8 codite lungi de 19.80 cm .
astept un buzz dupa ce afli cine e pufulet
este un paianjen care se intoarce de la servici si are 5 sacose rosi in care se afla 5 pisici care au cozile de fix aceeasi lungime de 19.80 cm?
si eu de unde sa stiu cine esti? :-??
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